Hi there, I am Thuong Duc HOANG, a cosmologist
self-description: Cosmic Microwaves Background (CMB), Big Bang theory, Inflation, superconducting Transision Edge Sensor (TES), Half-wave plate, Cryogenics system, Magnetic fields and star formation, Dust polarization
Currently (2023), I am a postdoc at BICEP/Keck group at University of Minnesota. I obtained Ph.D in Physics of the Universe from AstroParticle and Cosmology (APC) laboratory, University of Paris, in 2018. After completing PhD, I did postdoctoral research at Cornell University, Kavli IPMU-University of Tokyo.
Research (for public)
Standard Cosmological Model
Generally my research contributes to the
standard cosmological model
(see Figure) of the Universe. My research interests span both observational cosmology on Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
Radiation measurement and roles of magnetic fields
in star formation.
Most of my work has been working on the systematic effects of CMB polarization measurements, focusing on simulation and instrumentation of superconducting Transition Edge Sensor (TES)
, half-wave plate system for CMB experiments.
On the other hand, I am also investigating data analysis of magnetic fields
in molecular clouds to study the evolution and formation of stars.
I have been contributing to several CMB projects QUBIC, Simons Observatory, CMB-S4, and LiteBIRD satellite.
I have published scientific journals and conference proceeding papers. > Read more about my Research.
- Basic Programming (C)
- Data Analysis and Visualization (Python) [ Materials ]
- Mordern Cosmology [ course ]
- Advanced electronic system (Practical work)
- LiteBIRD Low-Frequency Telescope (LFT) Polarization Modulation Unit (PMU), CMBxLSS Kyoto 2023, [ poster ]
- Studying magnetic fields toward M17 cloud using dust polarization taken with SOFIA/HAWC+, Magnetic Fields and the Structure of the Filamentary Interstellar Medium (22- 25 June 2021), SOFIA Science series. [ pre-recored talk ], [ pdf ]
- CMB instrumentation and detectors, Euraxess Webinar on CMB Inflate “Contributing to the understanding of the origins of the Universe, [ pdf ]
- The Simons Observatory and future ground-based CMB measurements, Rencontres du Vietnam, Cosmology (August 019 - Qui Nhon, Vietnam). [ pdf ]
- Optimization of the next generation of CMB missions, XIII School of Csomology: The CMB from A to Z, ( November 12 - 18, 2017 — IESC, Cargèse). [ pdf ]
- My initiative: 1st Meeting of Young Vietnamese Community of Astronomy (YVCA), APC laboratory, Paris Diderot University (21-22 December 2017 Paris-France).
Select publications
- Thuong D. Hoang, Tomotake Matsumura, Ryota Takaku, Takashi Hasebe, Tommaso Ghigna, Nobuhiko Katayama, Yuki Sakurai, Kunimoto Komatsu, Teruhito Iida, Yurika Hoshino, Shinya Sugiyama, Hirokazu Ishino, Testbed preparation of a small prototype polarization modulator for LiteBIRD Low-Frequency Telescope, [ SPIE ]
- Thuong Duc Hoang, Nguyen Bich Ngoc, Pham Ngoc Diep, Le Ngoc Tram, Thiem Hoang, Wanggi Lim, Dieu D. Nguyen, Ngan Le, Nguyen Thi Phuong, Nguyen Fuda, Tuan Van Bui, Kate Pattle, Gia Bao Truong Le, Hien Phan, and Nguyen Chau Giang, Studying magnetic fields and dust in M17 using polarized thermal dust emission observed by SOFIA/HAWC+. [ arxiv:2108.10045 ; ApJ ]
- Duc Thuong Hoang, Guillaume Patanchon, Martin Bucher, Tomotake Matsumura, Ranajoy Banerji, Hirokazu Ishino, Masashi Hazumi, and Jacques Delabrouille, Bandpass mismatch error for satellite CMB experiments I: estimating the spurious signal. [ arXiv:1706.09486 ; JCAP ]
- Duc Thuong Hoang, Evaluating the level of the bandpass mismatch systematic effect for the future CMB satellites, 53rd Rencontres de Moriond. [ hal-02946210 ]
- Ranajoy Banerji, Guillaume Patanchon, Jacques Delabrouille, Masashi Hazumi, Duc Thuong Hoang, Hirokazu Ishino, Tomotake Matsumura, Bandpass mismatch error for satellite CMB experiments II: correcting for the spurious signal. [ arXiv:1902.00569 ]
- Eve M Vavagiakis, … Duc-Thuong Hoang, … et al., The simons observatory: Magnetic sensitivity measurements of microwave squid multiplexers. [ arXiv:2012.04532 ]
- M Salatino, B Bélier, C Chapron, DT Hoang, S Maestre, …, et al., Performance of NbSi transition-edge sensors readout with a 128 MUX factor for the QUBIC experiment. [ https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2312080 ]
- M. Piat, G. Stankowiak, E.S. Battistelli, P. de Bernardis, G. D Alessandro, M. De Petris, L. Grandsire, J.-Ch. Hamilton, T.D. Hoang, S. Marnieros, …, et al., QUBIC IV: Performance of TES Bolometers and Readout Electronics. [ arXiv:2101.06787 ] …
Publications in google Scholar
Ph.D manuscript (2019)
Title: Optimization of future projects for the measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background polarization [ Manuscript (pdf) ], [ Presentation (pdf) ]
- I: Introduction of the thesis
- II: Introduction to cosmology
- III: The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
- IV: Bandpass mismatch systematic for CMB satellite as LiteBIRD
- V: Interaction of particles with superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor (TES): ground-based QUBIC
- VI: Conclusion and perspectives
- Appendix A, B, C: Solution of Einstein equations,
and fit
, fitted glitches